Nuevas zapatillas deportivas por encargo

Vicuña Collections Available
It is a pleasure and pride to make available to our clients the impressive selection of vicunas from the exclusive Italian firm @piacenzacashmere1733
For those of you who do not know, vicuñas have the finest coat of all known animals, almost twice as fine as Cashmere. It is therefore the rarest and finest of all natural fibers. It is extremely light and soft, yet warm and insulating at the same time, offering an incredibly soft touch, making each garment a work of art and a true pleasure to wear.
Also known as the Gold of the Andes, it was reserved for royalty in the time of the Incas. A vicuña produces only about half a kilo (about 1.1 pounds) of wool per year, and the fibers are so fragile that they cannot be dyed or treated with any chemicals typically used in the textile industry. Animals can only be sheared every three years and, after each shearing, they are tagged and released back into the wild.
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#sarto #tailor #piacenza #vicuña #vicuna

New Collections Available
The color and style of @scabal new collections of jacketing fabrics are impressive. Remember that you can request proposals to create a special garment through our online tailoring service www.exquisuits.com
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#cashmerejacket #scabal
#sartorial #style #elegant #sastreria #tailor #bespoke #madetomeasure
#tailoring #sarto #jacket #sastreria #dapper #menstyle #trajeamedida
#menswear #modahombre #mensclothing
#deJuana #Exquisuits #onlinetailoring

Traje 3 piezas gris medio cuadro ventana Exquisuits by de Juana
Lo prometido es deuda…fotos del traje completo de la boda de Lore y Borja ( @ni.slow.ni.slaw & @borja.llorente). Cuando un tejido tiene un diseño singular es perfecto para hacer un look creativo con las 3 piezas del mismo género.

Tailoring Trends 2021/2022
Tras la pandemia el traje y la americana vuelven con fuerza con una dimensión más de placer que de trabajo. Siluetas limpias y búsqueda de la funcionalidad, líneas desestructuradas, con poca hombrera, tejidos más informales quitando rigurosidad al traje pero de gran calidad.